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Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 19th is Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to All Fathers in the World! Here's A Poem for Father's Day/ A Blessing for Fathers*

Today is a special day
to pay tribute to you
Father, our role model
who sets a good example
for us to follow and emulate.

You're there to lend a hand
when we're down and troubled
you cheer us up and brighten our day
you comfort us and give us hope
inspire us with your kindness.

You guide us and strengthen us
protect us from worries and anxieties
you show us life's wonders and mysteries
life's complexities and uncertainties
challenges and possibilities.

Father, we thank you
for the life you've shared us
the love you've showered us
the lessons you've imparted us
and the values you've instilled in us.

We love you, Father!
Happy Father's Day!

copyright 2011 by chris a. quilpa

A Blessing for Fathers*

May God bless you and guide you
in your very special role as a father.

May it always be for you
a joy and a privilege.

May you cherish your children
from birth through adulthood
as unique and precious
gifts from God.

May you always love
and forgive them,
as God loves and forgives you.

May you be quick to praise
and slow to find fault,
and may you be wise
in all your decisions.

May God reward you abundantly
for all your fatherly love and care.

And may God bless all our fathers
who have gone to their rest.
May they find comfort and joy
in the arms of their heavenly Father. Amen.

*From a bookmark that I've kept since 1996. Saint Joseph is the Patron Saint of Fathers.

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