BTW, as I'm writing this blog post, I'm listening to church/worship songs using videos uploaded by certain Salesiankids, et al. Thank you for this playlist of songs. I know some of them by heart because they're sung during Mass. They're great listening. I love the selections. Again, thank you, Salesiankids, et al. And, thank you, Youtube. May God bless us always!
A few minutes ago, I just finished praying the holy rosary along with one of the videos (on praying the rosary) on YouTube. I tried meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries, which are said on Tuesdays and Fridays throughout the year, and every day from Ash Wednesday until Easter. They are: 1. The Agony in the Garden (for true contrition) 2. Scourging at the Pillar (for the virtue of purity) 3. Crowning with Thorns (for moral courage) 4. Carrying of the Cross (for the virtue of patience) and 5. The Crucifixion (for final perseverance).
Well, now, let me share with you what I've learned and read lately. Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only! It's about this AARP (Association of American Retired Persons)'s New American Diet by John Whyte, M.D. Although this applies to retired persons, over fifty, especially those sedentary in our midst, I believe it can also be applied to people less than fifty who have problems losing weight and/or with health issues like cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, etc.)
Food and losing weight? Sounds ironic, isn't it? There's a correlation or connection between the two with regards to improving our health and well-being. As we all know, we love to eat and we have this problem of obesity and overweight in the US, and even elsewhere around the globe, I believe. Evidently, we see it in schools, at homes, on the streets, in social gatherings, and even on TV shows, too. I, myself, am sort of affected or concerned because as I've been saying most of the time I love food and love to eat out, so often. I know, I have to make adjustments and some changes as to my eating habits. That's why I have to try to educate myself, empower myself and take control of my health and life if I wanted or wished to live better and longer. Previous days in my previous blog post, I mentioned about a documentary film Food Matters that I've watched. And, it's a challenge for me to try to eat good, healthy, nutritious food to keep me going and to make a difference still in the world. I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. I know you, guys, who have some concerns about your health can also do it, I believe. Let's try to eat well and live better, longer.
Without further ado, here are the guidelines or salient points about this New American Diet authored by Dr. Whyte for AARP: 1) Drink water. 2) Eat breakfast every day. 3) Sleep at least 7 hours a night. 4) Eat smaller meals, more often. 5) Eat fish two or three times weekly (and red meat at most, once). 6) Spend at least 30 minutes on a meal. 7) Drink two cups of caffeinated coffee daily. 8) Bring two small snacks---a piece of fruitt, a cup of low-fat dairy---to work every day (if you're still working). 9) Eat a small bit of dark chocolate daily. 10) Count steps---at least 10,000 per day. 11) Incorporate heart-healthy nuts and olive oil into your meals. 12) Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially berries. 13) Weigh yourself once a week. 14) Eat at a table, with your food on a small plate.
Furthermore, here are suggestions as to what to eat and what to avoid, as much as possible:
Figs Cookies
Brown rice White rice
Oil and vinegar Prepared salad dressing
Sweet potatoes White potatoes
Whole wheat bread White bread
Unbuttered popcorn Potato chips
Whole wheat pretzels Regular pretzels
Grilled/roasted chicken Fried chicken
Piece of dark chocolate Milk-chocolate candy bar
Handful of blueberries Cereal bar
Whole wheat pasta White pasta
High-fiber cereal Sugary cereal
Broiled salmon/fish Fish sticks
Steel-cut oats Instant oatmeal
Nuts or seeds Chips or crackers
Greek yogurt Ice cream
Olive oil Butter
The above information was culled from AARP Magazine, December 2012/January 2013 of which I'm a subscriber and member.
Before I sign off, I'd like to thank my sister Betty and Bro-in-law Dennis for that package containing their produce: persimmons and citrus fruits. I love them, especially the persimmons. Thank you guys for your love and thoughtfulness. May God bless you and your family!
Well, this is all for now. Until next time around, my dear folks and friends. (I have to get ready to take a walk outside.) Take care and have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend, everyone! As always, May God bless us all!-chris a. quilpa, 14December2012.
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