Good day, everyone! Thank God, we're alive and well.
It's Sunday today and, as always, we participated in today's Mass at our parish, St. Paul's, this morning. Our outgoing parochial vicar, Rev. Fr. Chris celebrated the Liturgy with us. "Shadowing" him was seminarian Marty, who's assigned to cluster parishes this summer. As has been scheduled, Freny and I did Cup 3 and 4, respectively. That is, we helped distribute wine, the consecrated Blood of Christ, to our fellow parishioners.
After Mass, as usual, we ate out at a seafood restaurant, Captain D's, in Chesapeake where we had fish and fries, cole slaw and "hush puppies." We also had sweet iced tea. No, we didn't have dessert. We decided to have it at home where we have seedless watermelon and/or cantaloupes. (I did buy two of each yesterday from one of the grocery stores near our place.) See the photos I've taken today while dining at Captain D's.
Photos (c) 2013 by Chris A. Quilpa
Well, after lunch, we went home with full bellies, said Tintin, when I asked her opinion. Likewise, I did enjoy our food, the fact that I haven't had fish and fries for a while. Plus, the restaurant's atmosphere was pleasant and conducive to fine dining and relaxation, even for an hour, away from home. Noticeably, majority of the diners there are adults, and seniors, mostly whites and blacks. I believe, we're the only ones, of Asian or Filipino ancestry, who have been frequenting that eatery. (In so many years of being here in Hampton Roads, each time we go there, I haven't seen any other Asians, i.e, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, eating there.
Btw, I love fish, in general. I grew up eating fish, along with rice and other home-grown produce or leafy vegetables...that constitutes our "traditional" staple food in the land of my birth, the Philippines. I don't need to tell you about the health benefits of eating fish, my dear folks and friends. Heard about this omega-3 fatty acids/oil in fish. Anyway, I'm not advocating or telling you to eat fish. It's your choice whatever you want/wish to eat to help keep/make you look/feel healthy.
This is all for now and thank you all for your time. Take care and have a wonderful day, everyone! As always, I pray, "May God bless us and keep us all safe from harm."-chris a. quilpa, 30 June 2013.
(one who continues to live the present moment well,with his random thoughts and open mind, while seeking and understanding the Truth that ultimately sets him free. welcome to his journal-blog-world!:-)
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Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Random Narratives on the Last Week of June
Hi, everyone! Good Saturday to us all! Thank God, we're alive and well, and blogging again. Hope you're doing great.
Note: This is what I saw this morning from our back door, overlooking our backyard, at about 7:30; I thought it's going to rain because of the dark clouds. (See the photos here.) But, in about thirty minutes or so, the clouds were gone and the sky was bright-cleared. Finally, the sun shone and continued to shine...
As I see it, summer is in full swing over here in the U.S. And it looks like they're experiencing sort of heat wave in some parts of the West Coast, particularly in California. (I got this confirmation when I talked to my sis Betty, who's based in the Bay Area, a few hours ago. It was kind of "scorching," she said, describing the hot weather there, when she and my bro-in-law went to Los Banos to visit their daughter there.) Did I get it right that there's this record -breaking high temperature in the Death Valley in California yesterday? Well, as of now, we're managing warm weather over here in Hampton Roads, and elsewhere in the East Coast. Again, let's remind ourselves to observe SAFETY in whatever we do, i.e, vacationing in resorts and/or oceanfront, camping, hiking, biking, beach-swimming, cajoling/cavorting, boating, kayaking, sun-tanning, especially this time of the year. Summer can be relaxing and relieving. But it can also be a cause of trouble if we're not careful and vigilant. So, let's have in mind SAFETY at all times.
Wednesday was a lazy day and so was yesterday, for me. I didn't do anything that's remarkable but hanging in there, trying to chill out and relax. Original plan of Freny and Tintin was that we'd go to D-ville Thursday. But I don't know why the day dragged on and on...Eventually, nothing happened. We didn't go that day. (I ended up doing some stuff for my laptop...ripping some of my CD music to my laptop or transferring or storing some of my favorite music from my CDs to my laptop.) If you guys were to ask me, I'd rather go early in the morning in which the sun is still rising, instead of traveling on the road at noontime or later. That's just me. But, it wasn't me to impose my thinking. It wasn't me who planned to go. My two "girls" did. So, it didn't happen. But that late afternoon, I've decided not to join them for Friday's road trip to D-ville. I just told Freny to bring her sis, Rose with them. That's what happened. The three girls at home left me for D-ville at about 11:00 o'clock a.m. I reminded them to bring extra bedding/comforters in case they spend the night there at Tintin's apartment. In short, I was solo last night. All by myself, in the house...alone, but not lonely.
And not afraid, too, of anything/anybody!
This morning, I've wanted to have eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. I found out later we ran out of eggs. But we still have oatmeal, Quaker Oats, 100% Natural Whole Grains, Old-fashioned. So, what did I do? I soaked a small cup of oatmeal on a small pan. Why did I do that? It shortens cooking time than to cook it right away. I don't know but that's just my observation and experience. So, while the oatmeal is being soaked on a water, I ran to the nearest grocery store to buy eggs, with my oldie but goodie Avalon. Know what, my dear folks and friends? I ended up buying not only eggs but two seedless watermelons, two cantaloupes, a bunch of bananas, two small bags of vegetable salad, a bag of Romaine lettuce, three non-ripe avocados, two bags of potato chips/crisps,five pieces of yellow zucchini, a bag of unsalted mini pretzels, Oreo cookies, ice cream, orange juice, meat deli turkey, cheese, etc. (And, what did I fail to mention here? A liter of Coke, one-bottle of Diet Mountain Dew and 6-packs of Pepsi. Why soda when you don't drink it regularly, you ask? Well, I don't know about you guys but there are times that I long to drink a small glass of Coke or Pepsi, especially when I'm munching or nibbling chips or pretzels.) Sales receipt indicated that I spent $70 plus this morning, when I left that store. (I'll try to import/upload photos I've taken today, and I'll try to embed a couple here in my blog post today. Now you see them here.)

Arriving home, I unloaded my groceries, placing them in their respective places. Then, I cooked that oatmeal, fully soaked. Also, I decided to boil eggs instead of scrambling/frying them. In a few minutes, it's breakfast time for me. But, of course, I said my prayer before and after eating. While eating, I went online, visited Facebook. As soon as I logged on, I immediately noticed one thing: One of my nephews requested that I be his FB friend. Without a second thought, I did confirm his request. And now we're FB friends. In a few moments, we started "chatting." That's how I found out something happened to his Dad, my brother-in-law Joe, in the hospital since yesterday. Inquiring here and there followed. Q and A...In the end, he gave me the go signal to contact one of his uncles here in States. I said, I'll try to contact him, since he's one of my FB friends, too. That's what I did, after eating. I sent a semi-lengthy message to Manong Bonnie, with hope that he reads or has read it and that he sends me a message back. I went back to my nephew chatting again, informing him that I've messaged his uncle already and awaiting his reply. I don't know, by now, if Manong Bonnie has read it, as I write this blog post. I may probably go visit FB later to check if he responded.

Anyway, I messaged back my nephew that we'll see what we can do to help his Dad. But, in the meantime, I invited him that we pray for his Dad that he get well or recover soon.
On the other hand, I contacted Freny to inform her about the news we just received from my nephew about his Dad. Freny informed me that she and Tintin and Rose are at the car dealership and service center in D-ville. This is with regards to our Sienna's tires, etc. The three are supposed to go to a flea market on their way back to 757, Freny said. Now, their plan is stalled. at least for now. But, just a few minutes ago, Freny called me, informing me that they left the dealership now...on the road back to Hampton Roads (HR). Just told them to be safe, for Freny to drive safely, and that to see them home soon this (late) afternoon or tonight.
I had the opportunity to talk to my sis Betty in the West Coast, after all the things I've mentioned above. And while I was having my lunch sandwich. Did mention her about Manong Joe's condition, per our nephew's supplied info to me this morning. Manang Betty mentioned about the sizzling heat they're experiencing right now. We had a nice, pleasant brother-sister chat, so to speak. As you may know, she's my big sister---caring, loving sister that she is. At least once or twice a week that we talk via cellphone. Thanks to technology. That's what we are siblings...keeping in touch with her, and our other sister there, and also a younger brother, actually our youngest brother to be exact, living in the Northwest.
Well, it's almost five in the afternoon. I better sign off, for now. That's it for now, my dear folks and friends. Until next time around. Take care and have a wonderful weekend, everyone! As always, I pray, " May God bless us and keep us all safe from harm!"-chris a. quilpa, 29 June 2013
UPDATE: At about 5:35 p.m., Freny and Tintin showed up at the front door. Yes, they've just arrived here in 757/HR. They're back home from D-ville! Glad and thankful they arrived home safe and sound. Took a snapshot while unloading their stuff. See their reaction when they saw me...Thank God.
Photos (c) 2013 by Chris A. Quilpa
Now, let me take care one of the watermelons that I just bought today. Can't wait to sit back, relax and enjoy this seedless watermelon...juicy red, OMG! Luv it. Want a slice? So refreshing! Just love this produce! Thank God.-caq
Note: This is what I saw this morning from our back door, overlooking our backyard, at about 7:30; I thought it's going to rain because of the dark clouds. (See the photos here.) But, in about thirty minutes or so, the clouds were gone and the sky was bright-cleared. Finally, the sun shone and continued to shine...
As I see it, summer is in full swing over here in the U.S. And it looks like they're experiencing sort of heat wave in some parts of the West Coast, particularly in California. (I got this confirmation when I talked to my sis Betty, who's based in the Bay Area, a few hours ago. It was kind of "scorching," she said, describing the hot weather there, when she and my bro-in-law went to Los Banos to visit their daughter there.) Did I get it right that there's this record -breaking high temperature in the Death Valley in California yesterday? Well, as of now, we're managing warm weather over here in Hampton Roads, and elsewhere in the East Coast. Again, let's remind ourselves to observe SAFETY in whatever we do, i.e, vacationing in resorts and/or oceanfront, camping, hiking, biking, beach-swimming, cajoling/cavorting, boating, kayaking, sun-tanning, especially this time of the year. Summer can be relaxing and relieving. But it can also be a cause of trouble if we're not careful and vigilant. So, let's have in mind SAFETY at all times.
Wednesday was a lazy day and so was yesterday, for me. I didn't do anything that's remarkable but hanging in there, trying to chill out and relax. Original plan of Freny and Tintin was that we'd go to D-ville Thursday. But I don't know why the day dragged on and on...Eventually, nothing happened. We didn't go that day. (I ended up doing some stuff for my laptop...ripping some of my CD music to my laptop or transferring or storing some of my favorite music from my CDs to my laptop.) If you guys were to ask me, I'd rather go early in the morning in which the sun is still rising, instead of traveling on the road at noontime or later. That's just me. But, it wasn't me to impose my thinking. It wasn't me who planned to go. My two "girls" did. So, it didn't happen. But that late afternoon, I've decided not to join them for Friday's road trip to D-ville. I just told Freny to bring her sis, Rose with them. That's what happened. The three girls at home left me for D-ville at about 11:00 o'clock a.m. I reminded them to bring extra bedding/comforters in case they spend the night there at Tintin's apartment. In short, I was solo last night. All by myself, in the house...alone, but not lonely.
And not afraid, too, of anything/anybody!
This morning, I've wanted to have eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. I found out later we ran out of eggs. But we still have oatmeal, Quaker Oats, 100% Natural Whole Grains, Old-fashioned. So, what did I do? I soaked a small cup of oatmeal on a small pan. Why did I do that? It shortens cooking time than to cook it right away. I don't know but that's just my observation and experience. So, while the oatmeal is being soaked on a water, I ran to the nearest grocery store to buy eggs, with my oldie but goodie Avalon. Know what, my dear folks and friends? I ended up buying not only eggs but two seedless watermelons, two cantaloupes, a bunch of bananas, two small bags of vegetable salad, a bag of Romaine lettuce, three non-ripe avocados, two bags of potato chips/crisps,five pieces of yellow zucchini, a bag of unsalted mini pretzels, Oreo cookies, ice cream, orange juice, meat deli turkey, cheese, etc. (And, what did I fail to mention here? A liter of Coke, one-bottle of Diet Mountain Dew and 6-packs of Pepsi. Why soda when you don't drink it regularly, you ask? Well, I don't know about you guys but there are times that I long to drink a small glass of Coke or Pepsi, especially when I'm munching or nibbling chips or pretzels.) Sales receipt indicated that I spent $70 plus this morning, when I left that store. (I'll try to import/upload photos I've taken today, and I'll try to embed a couple here in my blog post today. Now you see them here.)
Anyway, I messaged back my nephew that we'll see what we can do to help his Dad. But, in the meantime, I invited him that we pray for his Dad that he get well or recover soon.
On the other hand, I contacted Freny to inform her about the news we just received from my nephew about his Dad. Freny informed me that she and Tintin and Rose are at the car dealership and service center in D-ville. This is with regards to our Sienna's tires, etc. The three are supposed to go to a flea market on their way back to 757, Freny said. Now, their plan is stalled. at least for now. But, just a few minutes ago, Freny called me, informing me that they left the dealership now...on the road back to Hampton Roads (HR). Just told them to be safe, for Freny to drive safely, and that to see them home soon this (late) afternoon or tonight.
I had the opportunity to talk to my sis Betty in the West Coast, after all the things I've mentioned above. And while I was having my lunch sandwich. Did mention her about Manong Joe's condition, per our nephew's supplied info to me this morning. Manang Betty mentioned about the sizzling heat they're experiencing right now. We had a nice, pleasant brother-sister chat, so to speak. As you may know, she's my big sister---caring, loving sister that she is. At least once or twice a week that we talk via cellphone. Thanks to technology. That's what we are siblings...keeping in touch with her, and our other sister there, and also a younger brother, actually our youngest brother to be exact, living in the Northwest.
Well, it's almost five in the afternoon. I better sign off, for now. That's it for now, my dear folks and friends. Until next time around. Take care and have a wonderful weekend, everyone! As always, I pray, " May God bless us and keep us all safe from harm!"-chris a. quilpa, 29 June 2013
UPDATE: At about 5:35 p.m., Freny and Tintin showed up at the front door. Yes, they've just arrived here in 757/HR. They're back home from D-ville! Glad and thankful they arrived home safe and sound. Took a snapshot while unloading their stuff. See their reaction when they saw me...Thank God.
Photos (c) 2013 by Chris A. Quilpa
Now, let me take care one of the watermelons that I just bought today. Can't wait to sit back, relax and enjoy this seedless watermelon...juicy red, OMG! Luv it. Want a slice? So refreshing! Just love this produce! Thank God.-caq
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Doing Errands and Eating Out on a Hot Summer Day
A wonderful Wednesday to all of us! Thank God, we're alive and well, and blogging...again.
Whew! It's hot and humid! Temp today, around Hampton Roads and elsewhere, reaches in the low 90s! It's undeniably summertime...and in full swing! Man, let's drink plenty of water and/or juice, and dress lightly, cotton shirts preferably, when leaving the house for work or errands.
Initially, I planned to just wear a sleeveless shirt (see picture below) but since I've got sort of sunburn already on my chest due to constant visit to the beach years back, I decided to put on this cotton (red and white stripes or checkered?) polo shirt that Freny gave me months ago.
Today, after taking care of some stuff at the office of Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in our neighboring city, my wife Freny, daughter Tintin and I had lunch at the nearest Panera Bread in our area. Btw, it's been a while that we haven't been to this eatery for months, although I have a Panera Bread card that, when used each time we dine in and/or purchase some bagels or pastry, or sandwich there, rewards me with points that will eventually translate to a free cookie, or smoothie, like last time.
Well, since I brought with me my camera, along with my laptop, I put it to use. So, here's what I have taken while we're out, doing errands and dining at Panera Bread today. Check out what I ate for lunch. Enjoy!

From Panera Bread, we drove to the nearest Post Office where we dropped off a couple of mails. Then, we stopped by at Dollar Tree Store to buy goodies, munchies, other stuff. Tintin bought two-three books.
Last stop of our errands for the day, a warm, humid a bank where we did a couple of transactions, i.e, inquiring account balances, paying credit card balance, and depositing Andrew's check (that one from one of his part-time jobs in The Capital) that he gave me before he went back to DC last Sunday afternoon. Man, I was all sweating profusely while in the bank! OMG, I thought I have those signs of heat cramps/strokes! It's good that I always have with me a handkerchief that I kept on wiping down my sweats, especially on my forehead. When it was Freny and Tintin's turn to talk to that female bank teller/representative that I've talked to, I excused myself and found a seat in the bank's waiting area and composed myself. I was still perspiring/sweating at that moment! And, I felt kind of tired...Anyway, I was feeling fine afterwards. Thank God.
From there, we drove home...tired but relieved. Freny and Tintin did unload the stuff that we bought from that store, while I changed my sweaty clothes and chilled out...
Well, this is all for now, my dear folks and friends. Thanks for keeping me company. Until next time around. Take care and have a pleasant day, everyone! As always, I pray, "May God bless us and keep us safe from harm always!"-chris a. quilpa, 26 June 2013
Whew! It's hot and humid! Temp today, around Hampton Roads and elsewhere, reaches in the low 90s! It's undeniably summertime...and in full swing! Man, let's drink plenty of water and/or juice, and dress lightly, cotton shirts preferably, when leaving the house for work or errands.
Initially, I planned to just wear a sleeveless shirt (see picture below) but since I've got sort of sunburn already on my chest due to constant visit to the beach years back, I decided to put on this cotton (red and white stripes or checkered?) polo shirt that Freny gave me months ago.
Today, after taking care of some stuff at the office of Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in our neighboring city, my wife Freny, daughter Tintin and I had lunch at the nearest Panera Bread in our area. Btw, it's been a while that we haven't been to this eatery for months, although I have a Panera Bread card that, when used each time we dine in and/or purchase some bagels or pastry, or sandwich there, rewards me with points that will eventually translate to a free cookie, or smoothie, like last time.
Well, since I brought with me my camera, along with my laptop, I put it to use. So, here's what I have taken while we're out, doing errands and dining at Panera Bread today. Check out what I ate for lunch. Enjoy!
Photos (c) 2013 by Chris A. Quilpa
After lunch, we hang in there for minutes, trying to relieve ourselves from the noontime heat, while I imported/uploaded photos I've taken into my laptop and then shared them to our Facebook friends afterwards. Still, while "killing" time in there, I read latest news online and watched a video on YouTube.From Panera Bread, we drove to the nearest Post Office where we dropped off a couple of mails. Then, we stopped by at Dollar Tree Store to buy goodies, munchies, other stuff. Tintin bought two-three books.
Last stop of our errands for the day, a warm, humid a bank where we did a couple of transactions, i.e, inquiring account balances, paying credit card balance, and depositing Andrew's check (that one from one of his part-time jobs in The Capital) that he gave me before he went back to DC last Sunday afternoon. Man, I was all sweating profusely while in the bank! OMG, I thought I have those signs of heat cramps/strokes! It's good that I always have with me a handkerchief that I kept on wiping down my sweats, especially on my forehead. When it was Freny and Tintin's turn to talk to that female bank teller/representative that I've talked to, I excused myself and found a seat in the bank's waiting area and composed myself. I was still perspiring/sweating at that moment! And, I felt kind of tired...Anyway, I was feeling fine afterwards. Thank God.
From there, we drove home...tired but relieved. Freny and Tintin did unload the stuff that we bought from that store, while I changed my sweaty clothes and chilled out...
Well, this is all for now, my dear folks and friends. Thanks for keeping me company. Until next time around. Take care and have a pleasant day, everyone! As always, I pray, "May God bless us and keep us safe from harm always!"-chris a. quilpa, 26 June 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Yesterday's Visit (with Photos), Part II
Good Tuesday, everyone! Hope everyone is doing great.
Well, how are we doing so far? Enjoying the surprises, sights and sounds, and smells of summer? That's great! Have fun but be safe, though!
Here's part II of Yesterday's Visit. Wishing you were with us, too, my dear folks and friends. But, anyway, with the photos below, hopefully you'll be having fun also.
As always, each time we go to Va Beach we usually dine out at one of the Filipino or FilAm restaurants, like FeLynn's or Maymar. The largest city here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, population-wise, Virginia Beach takes about twenty-five to thirty minutes to reach by car, via the midtown tunnel. But with heavy traffic, road repairs, and tunnel congestion, it may take over thirty minutes, though. (Btw, I've posted photos of our previous visit to the Oceanfront a month or two ago in Facebook. I've embedded some selected photos, too, in my previous blog post; I think so.)
At about 4:45 p.m., we arrived in Virginia Beach. But first, we decided to drop by at a bank for a transaction. Glad and thankful that we're able to be there in that bank before closing time. From there, Freny drove us to FeLynns where we had dinner...authentic Filipino cuisine of sauteed green beans, pancit or noodles and/or steamed rice, and pieces of "lechon," aka roasted pig. And with a delightful dessert! I tell you, it was refreshing to have this summer delight, "halo-halo," especially if the weather is hot and humid. This summer treat is a mixture of crushed/shaved ice, milk, sweet preserved Navy beans, jello or gelatin, fruits like bananas, pineapple chunks, sweet purple yam and/or small slices of "leche flan" etc. Topping that with a scoop of ice cream, whatever flavor it may be. There you have it...the Filipino "halo-halo" or mix-mix in English translation. So appropriate to quench your thirst this summer! I just love it, with sweet, glutinous rice cakes! Yummy!
Photos (c) 2013 by Chris A. Quilpa
There at the Oceanfront, we had a great time, enjoying the sights and sounds, and smells of summer, the sea breeze that's soothing and relieving, the people there vacationing, surfing, swimming, playing with the waves, etc. We had the opportunity to know a Pennsylvania couple, Wayne and Debbie, with their young teen nephew Tristan. We also met a woman in her mid-20s, who, she said, was waiting for her boyfriend there. We saw bikers, joggers, strollers on the boardwalk. We went all the way down the sandy seashore, and took more pictures.
Well, my dear folks and friends, this is all for now. Until next time around for another blog post. Thanks for keeping me company. Take care and have a wonderful day, everyone! As always, I pray, "May God bless us and keep us all safe from harm!"-chris a. quilpa, 25 June 2013
Well, how are we doing so far? Enjoying the surprises, sights and sounds, and smells of summer? That's great! Have fun but be safe, though!
Here's part II of Yesterday's Visit. Wishing you were with us, too, my dear folks and friends. But, anyway, with the photos below, hopefully you'll be having fun also.
As always, each time we go to Va Beach we usually dine out at one of the Filipino or FilAm restaurants, like FeLynn's or Maymar. The largest city here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, population-wise, Virginia Beach takes about twenty-five to thirty minutes to reach by car, via the midtown tunnel. But with heavy traffic, road repairs, and tunnel congestion, it may take over thirty minutes, though. (Btw, I've posted photos of our previous visit to the Oceanfront a month or two ago in Facebook. I've embedded some selected photos, too, in my previous blog post; I think so.)
At about 4:45 p.m., we arrived in Virginia Beach. But first, we decided to drop by at a bank for a transaction. Glad and thankful that we're able to be there in that bank before closing time. From there, Freny drove us to FeLynns where we had dinner...authentic Filipino cuisine of sauteed green beans, pancit or noodles and/or steamed rice, and pieces of "lechon," aka roasted pig. And with a delightful dessert! I tell you, it was refreshing to have this summer delight, "halo-halo," especially if the weather is hot and humid. This summer treat is a mixture of crushed/shaved ice, milk, sweet preserved Navy beans, jello or gelatin, fruits like bananas, pineapple chunks, sweet purple yam and/or small slices of "leche flan" etc. Topping that with a scoop of ice cream, whatever flavor it may be. There you have it...the Filipino "halo-halo" or mix-mix in English translation. So appropriate to quench your thirst this summer! I just love it, with sweet, glutinous rice cakes! Yummy!
With full stomach, we were ready to have a stroll, a walk around, the Oceanfront. But on our way to the Oceanfront, I remember the address of this Filipino chain restaurant that just recently opened, months ago. I called attention to Freny to take a left turn to S. Plaza Trail. A few feet away, there we found it, the sign and symbol of Jollybee. The photos below show how excited we were...
Nope, we didn't dine in there because we're full. We just took photos. Freny, Rose and Tintin had a restroom break there, while I chatted with one of their Filipino employees who happened to have the same name as mine, the name that I've used way back in my birthplace, The Philippines, from elementary to college and employment there. (That's what I used on my Facebook account, too.) I told this man (I believe, he's older than me, just by looking at him while we were conversing) that now that we know the place, we'll one day dine in there. Well, we thank him for having met and known him that time.
From Jollybee, we cruised our way down to the Oceanfront. My dear folks and friends, come join us as we (re)visit the resort city with all it has to offer to the residents, families, friends, tourists, guests, visitors...
Photos (c) 2013 by Chris A. Quilpa
There at the Oceanfront, we had a great time, enjoying the sights and sounds, and smells of summer, the sea breeze that's soothing and relieving, the people there vacationing, surfing, swimming, playing with the waves, etc. We had the opportunity to know a Pennsylvania couple, Wayne and Debbie, with their young teen nephew Tristan. We also met a woman in her mid-20s, who, she said, was waiting for her boyfriend there. We saw bikers, joggers, strollers on the boardwalk. We went all the way down the sandy seashore, and took more pictures.
Well, my dear folks and friends, this is all for now. Until next time around for another blog post. Thanks for keeping me company. Take care and have a wonderful day, everyone! As always, I pray, "May God bless us and keep us all safe from harm!"-chris a. quilpa, 25 June 2013
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