Note: This is what I saw this morning from our back door, overlooking our backyard, at about 7:30; I thought it's going to rain because of the dark clouds. (See the photos here.) But, in about thirty minutes or so, the clouds were gone and the sky was bright-cleared. Finally, the sun shone and continued to shine...
As I see it, summer is in full swing over here in the U.S. And it looks like they're experiencing sort of heat wave in some parts of the West Coast, particularly in California. (I got this confirmation when I talked to my sis Betty, who's based in the Bay Area, a few hours ago. It was kind of "scorching," she said, describing the hot weather there, when she and my bro-in-law went to Los Banos to visit their daughter there.) Did I get it right that there's this record -breaking high temperature in the Death Valley in California yesterday? Well, as of now, we're managing warm weather over here in Hampton Roads, and elsewhere in the East Coast. Again, let's remind ourselves to observe SAFETY in whatever we do, i.e, vacationing in resorts and/or oceanfront, camping, hiking, biking, beach-swimming, cajoling/cavorting, boating, kayaking, sun-tanning, especially this time of the year. Summer can be relaxing and relieving. But it can also be a cause of trouble if we're not careful and vigilant. So, let's have in mind SAFETY at all times.
Wednesday was a lazy day and so was yesterday, for me. I didn't do anything that's remarkable but hanging in there, trying to chill out and relax. Original plan of Freny and Tintin was that we'd go to D-ville Thursday. But I don't know why the day dragged on and on...Eventually, nothing happened. We didn't go that day. (I ended up doing some stuff for my laptop...ripping some of my CD music to my laptop or transferring or storing some of my favorite music from my CDs to my laptop.) If you guys were to ask me, I'd rather go early in the morning in which the sun is still rising, instead of traveling on the road at noontime or later. That's just me. But, it wasn't me to impose my thinking. It wasn't me who planned to go. My two "girls" did. So, it didn't happen. But that late afternoon, I've decided not to join them for Friday's road trip to D-ville. I just told Freny to bring her sis, Rose with them. That's what happened. The three girls at home left me for D-ville at about 11:00 o'clock a.m. I reminded them to bring extra bedding/comforters in case they spend the night there at Tintin's apartment. In short, I was solo last night. All by myself, in the house...alone, but not lonely.
And not afraid, too, of anything/anybody!
This morning, I've wanted to have eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. I found out later we ran out of eggs. But we still have oatmeal, Quaker Oats, 100% Natural Whole Grains, Old-fashioned. So, what did I do? I soaked a small cup of oatmeal on a small pan. Why did I do that? It shortens cooking time than to cook it right away. I don't know but that's just my observation and experience. So, while the oatmeal is being soaked on a water, I ran to the nearest grocery store to buy eggs, with my oldie but goodie Avalon. Know what, my dear folks and friends? I ended up buying not only eggs but two seedless watermelons, two cantaloupes, a bunch of bananas, two small bags of vegetable salad, a bag of Romaine lettuce, three non-ripe avocados, two bags of potato chips/crisps,five pieces of yellow zucchini, a bag of unsalted mini pretzels, Oreo cookies, ice cream, orange juice, meat deli turkey, cheese, etc. (And, what did I fail to mention here? A liter of Coke, one-bottle of Diet Mountain Dew and 6-packs of Pepsi. Why soda when you don't drink it regularly, you ask? Well, I don't know about you guys but there are times that I long to drink a small glass of Coke or Pepsi, especially when I'm munching or nibbling chips or pretzels.) Sales receipt indicated that I spent $70 plus this morning, when I left that store. (I'll try to import/upload photos I've taken today, and I'll try to embed a couple here in my blog post today. Now you see them here.)
Anyway, I messaged back my nephew that we'll see what we can do to help his Dad. But, in the meantime, I invited him that we pray for his Dad that he get well or recover soon.
On the other hand, I contacted Freny to inform her about the news we just received from my nephew about his Dad. Freny informed me that she and Tintin and Rose are at the car dealership and service center in D-ville. This is with regards to our Sienna's tires, etc. The three are supposed to go to a flea market on their way back to 757, Freny said. Now, their plan is stalled. at least for now. But, just a few minutes ago, Freny called me, informing me that they left the dealership now...on the road back to Hampton Roads (HR). Just told them to be safe, for Freny to drive safely, and that to see them home soon this (late) afternoon or tonight.
I had the opportunity to talk to my sis Betty in the West Coast, after all the things I've mentioned above. And while I was having my lunch sandwich. Did mention her about Manong Joe's condition, per our nephew's supplied info to me this morning. Manang Betty mentioned about the sizzling heat they're experiencing right now. We had a nice, pleasant brother-sister chat, so to speak. As you may know, she's my big sister---caring, loving sister that she is. At least once or twice a week that we talk via cellphone. Thanks to technology. That's what we are siblings...keeping in touch with her, and our other sister there, and also a younger brother, actually our youngest brother to be exact, living in the Northwest.
Well, it's almost five in the afternoon. I better sign off, for now. That's it for now, my dear folks and friends. Until next time around. Take care and have a wonderful weekend, everyone! As always, I pray, " May God bless us and keep us all safe from harm!"-chris a. quilpa, 29 June 2013
UPDATE: At about 5:35 p.m., Freny and Tintin showed up at the front door. Yes, they've just arrived here in 757/HR. They're back home from D-ville! Glad and thankful they arrived home safe and sound. Took a snapshot while unloading their stuff. See their reaction when they saw me...Thank God.
Photos (c) 2013 by Chris A. Quilpa
Now, let me take care one of the watermelons that I just bought today. Can't wait to sit back, relax and enjoy this seedless watermelon...juicy red, OMG! Luv it. Want a slice? So refreshing! Just love this produce! Thank God.-caq
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