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Monday, July 15, 2013

Peace and Serenity: Looking through the Windows...

This morning after having breakfast with Freny and after posting a simple Thank You prayer-poem on my blog, I found myself picture-taking windows at Tintin's apartment in her living room, in D-ville. Here's what I took and I'm sharing them with you, my dear folks and friends.

As you know, photography is one of my favorite hobbies nowadays. Whatever I have taken, I try to share them with our Facebook friends wherever and whoever they may be in the world. As I try to capture the moment at that specific time, I become appreciative of the life-world we live in.

Why windows? I don't know why I have chosen windows as my subject matter of my photography and essay today. Perhaps, they have something to tell. Perhaps, they reveal a certain aspect of our lives that needs careful studying. Why windows? Looking through the windows at Tintin's here in D-ville this morning, I saw the day, with the sun shining brightly, with cumulus clouds in the sky, with trees at the back of those multiple dwellings (town homes and apartments). I saw Peace, amidst a world outside that's in turmoil, in wars, in chaos, in fighting. I saw life in motion...So, through these windows, we can also see our own self...seeing the brighter side of life when these windows are open and not closed. There's serenity in and out of our own world. As we look at ourselves, we are in which our fellow men can look up to brighten up their "shady" world. How? A face that radiates, a light in you that shines through, a life that can be a source of joy and laughter...

Well, here are the windows in my amateur photography...Hope you have an idea formed, a comment to share with me, etc. after "analyzing" my photos. Thanks for your time.

                         Photos (c) 2013 by Chris A. Quilpa

Thanks, everyone, for your time. Take care and have a wonderful day, my dear folks and friends. Until next time around. Bye!-chris a. quilpa, 15 July 2013

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