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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Feeling much better

That's right, folks. We're feeling much better, after weeks of being under the weather! Thank God! I can't complain. I'm grateful to be alive and well...

Now, we're into real wintry mode in our area. Bitter cold weather has finally arrived! With that snow-rain mix that fell to the ground yesterday, and further drop in temperature to below freezing, there was this snow-white "shaved" ice that covered the ground this morning. That's what we witnessed in our backyard, particularly in our partially snow-covered wooden deck. It was cold! But, not that freezing cold.

Anyway, we bundled up, especially when we went out for brunch at International House of Pancakes (IHOP) in the neighboring city. By the way, the day's sunny but cold. Likewise, it's a national holiday because it's the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Day in the U.S. of A! With the exceptions of private firms and businesses, public offices and institutions are closed for business. No schools, too.

There's a lot of diners at IHOP, this morning, we observed. Was it because it's a federal holiday and majority of people are off from work? Or, people just love pancakes, and wanted to enjoy the day with their family or friends, I suppose so. Well, whatever the reason may be, I would say, we had a great time, enjoyed the food with my family members. In addition, we had left-over food for dinner.

From IHOP, we went to NEX and bought some stuff, winter clothes, and a bag of dog food for our 8-month old puppy chorkie. That completed our day today.That's how we observed MLK, Jr. Day today. Personally, we're cognizant of the contributions the civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., had to America and to the world. He fought for equality for all, with peaceful agenda in mind. His "I Have  A Dream" speech is, to me, a lofty goal and everyone's dream. It continues to impact freedom-loving and peace-loving people of goodwill, I believe.

Well, on the other hand, feeling much better has been my goal since I got sick on Christmas Eve last year. With positive attitude, I've been praying for my speedy recovery, after two visits to the nearest clinic and two bottles of colds-cough medicine and plenty of fluid and rest and citrus-based food.

Thank God, we're alive and getting much better as we continue to live life the best we can. We're optimistic and hopeful for good health and good life. That's all.

Here's wishing you all a great day! And, "May God bless US always!"

-Chris A. Quilpa

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