Lang Lang
his fingers played
music came out
a genius
so gifted
so modern
fast and flashy
yet classical
he is
an artist in control
in a concert hall
in every performance
his emotions flowing
with joy
so alive
and vibrant
so energetic
and powerful.
-chris a. quilpa
At St. Paul's, in downtown Portsmouth (where we've been a member-parishioners for years), Father David officiated the 9:30 AM mass. In his homily, he mentioned about that 2010 American western movie, True Grit. Thankfully, my wife and I had a chance to see it, a year ago? It starred Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, and young teen Hailee Steinfeld who played Mattie Ross in the movie. (FYI: She's half-Filipino. Her mom is a Filipino or Filipino-American.)
After the church service, my wife, sis-in-law, and I decided to have lunch at Red Lobster Restaurant by Chesapeake Square in Chesapeake, VA. With a cozy atmosphere, an excellent food and service, I personally can say that I did enjoy our Sunday lunch there. The fact is, it has been a while since we dined there. Though it's a bit pricey the menus are, I think it's worth dining there again, someday.
I admit, I had to bring my left-over home because I just couldn't finish what I ordered. You see, we had that seaside pizza for appetizer followed by a medium size-plate veggie salad, served with soft, fluffy and buttery biscuits, and then the main course---Chef's Seafood Pasta with Shrimp and Lobster something like that. I didn't order any dessert anymore. I was full, you know. For beverage, I just had a glass of water with a slice of lemon. I thank our friends Mike and Myrna for the two Red Lobster gift cards they gave us for Christmas 2011. Thank you Mike, Myrna and family!
Hours after lunch, my wife and I just thought of going to see a movie. But first, we dropped off my sis-in-law home to get her car (because she has to go somewhere). On our way to see a movie, my wife and I dropped by at a Dollar Tree store to buy a copy of Sunday's The Virginian-:Pilot. That's right, that copy of Sunday paper is a dollar in that store! Then, we found our way driving along Western Branch Blvd., passed by our very first house (a three bedroom, two full baths, and which has been a rental property for us since 2001) and then on to the new cinema complex in Chesapeake. (Cinemark NextGen just recently opened before Christmas. As expected, it was absolutely a first-run movie theater. I found it to be clean and comfy. Very nice, indeed! I'd like to go back there again, someday. Although we have one cinema in North Suffolk, I think I prefer to see new movies at the new Cinemark.
It was almost 6 PM when we arrived home. To summarize my day, I would say it was a fine Sunday. I enjoyed it and had fun. Thanks to God!
At home, my wife and I had dinner. I had vegetable salad, in addition to the left-over food from Red Lobster's. We had tea, too, with a slice each of that cake from Germany.
I did read some sections of Sunday's papers after eating. I focused on one of the main stories dealing with past murder-suicide cases in Hampton Roads. I also read an article in Parade magazine, about Daniel Radcliffe of the Harry Potter movies. Likewise, I tried uploading pictures from my wife's and my camera to my laptop, recalling what I picked up from my son's and my daughter's "Computer 101 tutorial." Yes, I did it! But, folks, I must tell you I still have a lot more to learn, like everybody. My "tutors" just have to be patient with me, you know. Learning is doing, I know. And more. Such as self-seeking and exploring, and researching, with initiative and enthusiasm, of course. And learning is fun and enjoyable. Never a dull moment to know new things, ideas, etc. Thanks to all people around me who help me learn more about just anything I am interested to know.
Well, this is all for now. Until next time around, folks. (Pardon me but I'm soooo... tired and sleepy already!) Good night!-chris a. quilpa, 08Jan2012
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