Well, as usual, my friends, I did my morning routine, i.e., stared at and smiled to my Sto. Nino de Praga and The Good Shepherd, with a short meditation, while still in bed. (Our alarm-clock-radio has been on since 6 AM; my wife left for work, I think, past seven.) Then, I took my regular morning med, and after about thirty minutes, used the restroom. (Mind you, I believe in water therapy! It works for me. Wanna try it?) While there, sitting comfortably, I prayed the rosary...silently. (FYI: It's Thursday so it's Luminous Mystery, folks!)
After praying the rosary, I perused this Maryknoll magazine that I receive regularly. In this latest January/February 2012 edition, I got stuck on the pages where I found Photo Meditation on The Option for the Poor poem by Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M. I can't help myself but read or try to recite the poems of Fr. Veneroso, such as this. Let me cite to you, in part, his poem: "We choose you who have no choice/ but to live from day to day/ and speak for you who have no voice/ who work long hours for little pay...We fight for you who cannot win/ in life's struggle against these odds/ And repent for all in power of sin/ who sold their souls to other gods...Why then, friends, you might well ask/ God long ago this treasure hid/ Would we embark on such a task?/ We choose the poor 'cause Jesus did." For a moment, in silence, I pondered about it. Meanwhile, the radio in our bedroom was broadcasting the latest news, on NPR Morning Edition.
Back to our bedroom, I went over my binder-journal 2011. Leafing through its college-rule pages, I stumbled at one of the entries where I wrote an "Ilokano" poem entitled "Kanitok Ita iti Apo" on 04January2011 (English translation: My Present Moment with Jesus/God). I thought it's appropriate, and timely for me, to share it with fellow "Ilokano" friends on Facebook. That's what I did. I felt good that I did it.
Looking outside, I witnessed a bright, sunny day, with clear azure sky, a quiet surrounding. Just perfect to be out, enjoying a beautiful Thursday.
I took time to enjoy a hot shower, got dressed wearing blue jeans and blue striped shirt, and a red V-shaped cotton-knit sweater. I've thought of going out to pay our cell phone bill personally. I don't know about you, folks, but I've been doing it for months. And I will continue to do so, as long as I can and am able/capable, physically and mentally. (Before, I used to mail our payment.) I know what you're going to say or suggest. Why not pay it online? That saves time, paper, postage stamps. Aha, that gives me the chance or opportunity to go out, see outside, breathe fresh air, and interact with fellow earthlings. Who knows what/who I may encounter, huh? I may learn something new, too. I know that there are ways and lots of opportunities to learn something. Okay, if you're not yet convinced with my reasoning, I tell you flatly: I have to do what is good for me, you know. And, that's what I did. Left the house after having my "brunch." (I had bacon sandwich with vegetable salad, a glass of Organic whole milk, instead of 2 percent reduced fat, and some seedless red and green grapes.)
After paying our bills (for four regular cellphones, on that Family Plan service), I decided to visit a city park which is on my way, (if I take a different route) home. Admittedly, I just felt like it's time to revisit that place which I haven't visited for months. I didn't know how long I was in that city park. I just enjoyed the scenery and the moment while there. You betcha, I took some pictures. See for yourselves, folks, what I saw, and captured with my camera. Hope you like/love them!
On my way home, too, I dropped by my bank to check on our account balances. You know, I do this periodically. I just want to make sure that we have something in there to pay for our bills, etc. On the other hand, a number of bank employees-tellers are already familiar with me and it feels good that we've become familiar with each other. On the bank's parking lot, I came across a black man, who's at the back of his pick up truck, asking me if I want to buy steak and chicken. I saw him with a box or container labelled steak, chicken, etc. I said, "no man, thanks" as I got into our van.
From the bank, I drove straight home. But, I continued taking a few more pictures. Here they are for your delight.
It was past three in the afternoon when I arrived home. Before getting inside, I checked on our mailbox if we have letters/mail. Luckily, we only have two; this time, a magazine and a notification letter, something like that.
Well, what's to prepare for dinner? I don't know. But, what I know is that we still have some leftover pasta with meatballs that I cooked yesterday. But then, I thought of cooking steamed rice and thawed a bag of large-size shrimps, 61-70 counts (cooked, tails off). Meanwhile, I uploaded those pictures taken to my laptop, while my plate of that pasta with meatballs was in the microwave. I was planning to eat my dinner early, (with a small plate of vegetable salad) so I could watch my favorite soap on YouTube after or do some reading or watching news on TV. That's just me. As I've noted in my previous post, as soon as I'm done cooking, I want to eat already what I prepared. And if I feel hungry, I don't need to wait for someone or anybody. Usually, I eat early for dinner, especially if I have meds to take in. But, there are exceptions, of course. And, I always try to pray a short prayer before and after eating, a practice that I've been trying to observe, with my family. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Lord!
I was about to finish my dinner when my wife and my sis-in-law arrived. I invited them to join with me since the pot of pasta was already on the table. I put back into the fridge that bag of shrimps. Originally,I had in mind to partially cook it with whatever available frozen vegetables we have and cook it like stir fry. But then I didn't feel like preparing a new dish. I was also munching a handful of unsalted peanuts, while engaged on my laptop. To complete my meal, I had yogurt, a small cup of that cranberry sauce that I previously cooked and put in a plastic container/jar.
Finally, folks, here I was..doing my blogging for everyone who wants to know me a little bit more. Thanks for your time. I do hope I didn't put you to sleep (just kidding!) Until next time around. Good night!-chris a. quilpa, 12Jan2012
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