This morning, I was planning to post an "Ilokano" poem of mine (from my binder-journal 2011; see the picture here) straight into my FB page on my Notes then share it to my FB friends but I got distracted. I abandoned that plan because, while on FB, this morning, I saw a message that popped up. It came from my cousin working abroad. I was happy to "chat" with her. We haven't seen each other for years, like the rest of my cousins everywhere, and particularly to one of my siblings whom I haven't seen personally for three decades because she has been living in Europe for years. I'm so thankful for FB that I was able to connect with other members of my clan and friends around the world. I'm so happy to see their faces via their photos they share to all FB friends.
After our chat with my cousin, actually while we were chatting , I got curious, like a child, as to how many people of my surname are in FB already. I typed my surname or family name and there I saw many of them that I wasn't aware of. I started counting how many of them that came out of the screen. it was over one hundred, excluding those by affinity; I mean those who got married and inherited their husband's last name so that their maiden name (same as my family name) became their so-called second name, or middle name, as far as here in the United States is concerned. I don't know in Europe or other continent if their married female, or male, population retain their maiden name as their last name or they have a new last name or family name, their husband's or partner's. (I've got to do a little research on this issue for clarification.)
Going back to my topic above, I was surprised to know/learn that there other Qs out there in other countries, particularly in Latin America, such as Venezuela and Argentina. We already have a few in Spain. Before, I also came to know that there are people with the same surname or last name as mine in Mexico, aside from the Philippines. I'm not sure if they're my relatives, though. I doubt that, but I'm quite curious and interested to find out. You see, my late Grandpa Isabelo, I overheard some members of my family said when I was a young lad, had Spanish blood. And, I tend to believe it because of his feature- sort of a mestizo and his personality trait, a stern disciplinarian. (FYI: I grew up with my grandpa when I was a kid; I was always with him each time he goes to the farm; I have had responsibilities he assigned me, like feeding our "carabao" or call it domesticated water buffalo that helped us in our chores in the farm. I tell you, I had fond memories, vivid as they were, with Grandpa Isabelo! How much I missed him! And my Grandma Victoriana, too! May they rest in peace! Amen.)
Alright, I had to scroll down the FB homepage to find out what's new, what's happening, with my FB friends or relatives. I happened to read one of my nephews who shared a link, two embedded videos. The first one dealt with some of our hardworking and helpful seafarer OFWs working in the super liner Costa Concordia cruise ship that ran aground off that coast in Giglio, Italy costing the lives of more than ten passenger-tourists as of this writing. You know, it's sort of that modern-day sinking of the Titanic (like the one portrayed in the movie of the same title). Since the shipwreck on January 13th, search and rescue operations have been ongoing for the rest of the passengers missing, per media reports. The video, a Philippines' GMA News production?, showed some Filipino crews who were helping passengers aboard the luxury liner get rescued or evacuated. They were saving other lives first, other than their own. Their courage and bravery were profiled or highlighted and thus commendable that one Filipino chef-cook even remarked that he's proud to be Filipino, that his life is his best gift to his family, not material things.He was thankful to the Almighty for being alive.
On the other hand, I saw the other video my nephew shared from someone's video---OFWs maltreatment in Thailand. I felt bad and sad and upset watching it because it's so graphic, violent and disgusting. I wrote my comments in there after the video. I shared my thoughts, that prospective female OFWs should know self-defense techniques so they can defend themselves and not just be maltreated and brutally attacked. I wrote that we should not be afraid to fight for our human rights, not to be passive and submissive to the whims of others, i.e., employers who take advantage of us...The rest of my comments they're in FB.
I turned off my computer after visiting FB. I thought of going to NEX/Commissary to have my haircut and then to buy groceries there. I have had this thought for days, actually. After changing my sleepwear to a casual, comfy clothes, I went downstairs for brunch.
Downstairs in the kitchen, while looking outside, after opening the door to our deck/backyard, guess what I saw? I always see them on the school playground during this time of the year---the Canadian geese! (I've written a couple of poems in "Ilokano" about these Canadian geese.) Delighted to see them, I grabbed my camera and here's the result, folks. I had to get out to our backyard, and slowly, cautiously got closer to the iron fence of the school. And, before they flew away, I snapped this photo. See it for yourself.
Downstairs in the kitchen, while looking outside, after opening the door to our deck/backyard, guess what I saw? I always see them on the school playground during this time of the year---the Canadian geese! (I've written a couple of poems in "Ilokano" about these Canadian geese.) Delighted to see them, I grabbed my camera and here's the result, folks. I had to get out to our backyard, and slowly, cautiously got closer to the iron fence of the school. And, before they flew away, I snapped this photo. See it for yourself.
Well, after brunch of bacon sandwich and a cup of cereals with Organic milk, I went to NEX/Commissary to have my haircut and grocery shopping there.
On my way to the NEX/Commissary, I took these photos along the way. To my left, I passed by a newly-opened gas station/convenient store in a neighboring city. I saw this church in the Churchland area.
Then I passed by this informative Ad-sign as I got closer to my target destination, reminding all everyone that the legal drinking age in the Commonwealth of Virginia is 21.
Now, I have a new haircut, like that one I had in boot camp 24 years ago? I've wanted to be completely bald but my wife doesn't like me to have it. she says that if I go bald I look like undergoing chemotherapy. Really? I don't think so. But, well, to have a compromise, I just decided to have a very short hair cut, close to the skin. How's that, folks?
I spent almost $130 for the grocery at the Commissary. OMG, prices of commodities aren't that cheap anymore these days! That was the topic of a brief conversation between me and my former command master chief, who called my attention, while I was on the meat section. We shook hands, as usual. (At that time, my phone rang. It was my wife. While talking to her, I was also checking on the fresh meat---beef and scallopini pork---that I'm going to buy.) He opined, "the only thing that doesn't go up is our retirement pay!" I agreed with him 100%. He and I were quiet familiar with each other now. Once in a while we bumped each other in the Commissary. You know, we were both members of that command cultural committee, and that we were quite active members when we were still attached to the US naval medical facility. (See my file photo below.)
After dinner, I started removing our Christmas decoration. I know what you guys say. Well, I just waited for weeks, after Christmas and New Year's holiday, you know. I got "lazy" and just enjoyed my decoration before I removed them. That I did tonight, with my wife's help. Yes, we did it!
Okay, my friends, I've got to stop here now. Until next time around. Good night! Enjoy your weekend safely!-chris a. quilpa, 20Jan2012
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