Outside was sunny but cold and chilly. Our van's built-in monitoring temp equipment tells us that the temp outside is in the very low 40s degrees F. We left the house around noontime. My wife did the driving, as usual, especially for long trips that takes over two hours to drive.
On our way, we thought of stopping by at Totoy's Filipino Restaurant, bought food to go (four different dish orders), plus that glutinous rice cakes.
We also dropped by at a gas station/convenient store to fill up our 2008 Toyota Sienna van's fuel tank. We took turns in filling up gas.
Since it's lunchtime, we decided to eat our lunch (the food from Totoy's) there at the gas station's parking lot. As always, we prayed before and after eating.
Although the food was good, to my taste, I did eat half of what I ordered for myself. I save the rest for my dinner. You know what they said, these so-called authorities on staying healthy ---to eat by the portions. Of course, I couldn't resist that glutinous rice cake for dessert. I ate my share of one slice. I just love it.
We went back to that convenient store to use their restroom. Now, before leaving the store at the spur of a moment I thought of buying a lotto ticket. I haven't been buying lotto ticket/s for years. I admit, I don't pay attention that much about this (game/gambling?) activity. Game of chance? I don't know but it's not my thing. But I did buy not one but two tickets today: one automatic pick and one selected. We left the gas station full.
On the road to C-ville, we drove down the Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bay-Bridge Tunnel. See what else we saw on the way as we took the interstate all the way to C-ville.
While my wife was driving, I took pictures . See what we encountered on the interstate. So glad we are to share them with you so you have an idea of how our road trip went. We passed by the Hampton Coliseum and Convention Center. It's shaped like a crown or tiara. Absolutely stunning!
Along the roads were road signs and directions for all travelers. They're so helpful to us all, but most especially to tourists, new and old, local or accidental. The long and winding road that leads to our destination can be boring to some, but perhaps challenging and/or exciting to others who are always searching for adventure.
Truly, as travelers, we don't know what to encounter on the way when we're out there. That's why we have to have an open mind, bear in mind the importance of safety on the road, and be alert or on the lookout always as we go on cruising, so to speak.
There in the open, we witness the world in its beauty and wonder, passing by trees, hills and mountains, body of water, et cetera, while we observe caution and follow directions and the rules of safe driving.
As we continued our journey, we never expected to see this beauty on the road. She's one of a kind, truly a gem that we rarely see nowadays but in her mint condition. Well-preserved and truly priceless!
After an hour or so on the road, we stopped by at a rest area. Thanks to God that we have this facility opened and maintained seven days a week for the convenience of travelers. There's also a vending machine that's available for travelers to buy snacks, sodas, bottled water, or hot chocolate drinks.
The first Rest Area that we didn't bother to go is newer compared to this one. But it's good to have a rest area where travelers, like us, can stop by, stretch out or just basically to get relieved and comfy, you know, before resuming our trip. Well, we continued cruising, mindful of our surroundings, ever watchful of things, stuff like that. But we also had snacks that we brought with us from home. We listened to music, sang along and just merely enjoyed ourselves together.
Left and right, we see school buildings, old and new, and architecturally beautiful.
I took some pictures of the place and inside her dorm.
Our daughter, by the way, has been living in a college dorm since her first year of college. She moved to another residence hall building when she was in third year.
Before we left C-Ville back to Hampton Roads, we unloaded a couple of cases of water for her. We always bring bottled water so she has something to drink in her dorm, in stead of drinking soda or something else.
At 1700, we left C-ville for Hampton Roads. Along the way back home, I did take some more pictures since the day was bright and sunny.
We stopped by at a gas station to pump gas even if our van has enough fuel, used their rest room. Our daughter took a picture of a car that has both sides up or top down right there in that gas station.
We ate our left over food on the way. As always, my wife did the driving.
After an hour, we stopped by at a Rest Area/Welcome Center which is quite new. I took a couple of pictures there inside.
We continued our trip back home. It was already getting dark. And, our daughter took a nap while we were cruising. Again, I took a couple more pictures along the way.
After two and a half plus of traveling, we finally arrived in Hampton Roads. Again, we drove down into the tunnel and then after the bridge, we reached our place. But, we decided to drop by at a store to buy some AA batteries for our camera, and other stuff like yogurt, eggs, bananas, etc.
At home, at last, after that trip to and from C-ville for a total of six-seven plus hours of being on the road. Tired and exhausted. That's how I felt. I bet, my wife felt the same way, too. But, we're glad and thankful to be home. Okay, folks, until next time around. Hope you enjoyed my pictorials and sort of my storytelling. My, oh, my, it's midnight already! Ok, bye! Ciao! Have a wonderful weekend! -chris a. quilpa, 14Jan2012
I really like this post and wish I could be back in 757. Have a good MLK Day!
ReplyDeleteSame to you, son! I know, and understand. but you have to do what you have to do. Anyway, I do hope and pray that you're doing well over there. Your sis will be here for the weekend only. we'll bring her back to her dorm in time for the start of her 2nd sem. Wish her the best, too. Take care and be safe, as always. Love you. God bless.