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Monday, April 16, 2012

Beautiful, Colorful Springtime, with "Trees" by Alfred Joyce Kilmer

Aha, its undeniably springtime! And in full swing over 757! Thanks to God for all the natural beauty around us! Colorful flowers, a source of our delight, are everywhere! Trees, our source of oxygen, are full of leaves again! Yes, they're a source of relief and comfort, food and life! Thank you, Almighty and gracious God, for the trees!

Now, just look around us, folks. Signs of the season of spring are everywhere, notwithstanding in the malls (where spring fashion collections abound with lots of yellow and blue colors are), and grocery stores and supermarkets, and in gardens or nurseries...Easter lilies, daffodils, dandelions, tulips, crocus, cherry blooms, cute little fancy flowers in our lawns, birds flocking around in our backyards or open deck or patio, chirping and hopping from fence to fence, from one area to another pecking something (worms, perhaps) on the ground, and in the open fields, mountains, and hills fully covered with verdant grass, wild flowers, and the golden sun and the clear azure skies---what a beautiful sight to behold! Wow, nature is basically beautiful, colorful, wonderful! I love springtime! I feel as if I'm invigorated! Look around us... tall and small (fruit) trees with their greenish, virgin leaves and blossoming flowers that some, if not many, turn to organic, luscious fruits. Yes, these trees are alive again, after months of bareness and dryness!

At this time, since April is National Poetry Month, I remember that poem "Trees" written in 1913 by Sgt. Alfred Joyce Kilmer, an American soldier, journalist, poet, literary critic, lecturer, and editor, according to Wikipedia. He was considered the leading American Catholic poet and lecturer of his generation. In recollection, here's the poem: I think that I shall never see/ A poem lovely as a tree./ A tree whose hungry mouth is prest/ Against the earth's sweet flowing breast,/ A tree that looks at God all day,/ And lifts her leafy arms to pray;/ A tree that may in summer wear/ A nest of robins in her hair;/ Upon whose bosom snow has lain;/ Who intimately lives with rain./ Poems are made by fools like me,/ But only God can make a tree.)

It's been said that spring is a time of growth and renewal. Indeed, it's the time to spring forth, to rise up, stretch and spread and move that body that has been kind of "lifeless" in a cocoon for months of cold, wet and stormy weather. With longer days, we can create something worthwhile, such as growing flowers and/or vegetables in our garden or establishing a friendly relationship with our neighbors.

With brief morning showers, then clouds disappearing and the sun smilingly ready to rule the land, there's no doubt in my mind that we have golden, productive days ahead.

As the comedian-actor Robin Williams says, "Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"

Have fun, folks, and enjoy Spring with  all her colorful offerings.

As always, thank you YouTube and those uploaders of the videos I embedded with this blog post. Thank you Google and Blogger, and all people of goodwill.

Until next time around, friends. Thanks for your time. Take care and have a wonderful day, everyone!-chris a. quilpa, 16April2012

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