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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Visiting and Reading (and Writing) Blogs

Visiting and reading others' blogs is truly a learning experience. It answers to my question on my profile here which is what's out there? Everything that you've never thought of, you'll find it here. How much truth in them? That depends on the blog and the one writing/posting it. But, to my intuition, there's the truth, especially if such post is accompanied by a photo or two. I believe it to be true for why should I not, if it truly depicts life.

Reading the blogs of others, I feel amused, fascinated and entertained, too. I learn a lot from reading them. Bloggers and their posted, shared pieces and artistry may be truly inspirational and instructional, educational and informative. They are as varied as the blog they posted; as natural and beautiful and awe-inspiring as the photos/audio-videos/pictorials (of their families, children, pet animals, cars, toys, idyllic/pastoral scenery, tourist spots and other historical places of interests, food, recipes) posted. With accompanying music, and videos, too, on some of the blogs, they add beauty and color, and style to their blogs. They are diverse yet universal in their story-telling and communicating with others, like me. Somehow, I feel connected to these "bloggers" who represent a diasporic group of the entire human race. Like me, they talk/discuss about human conditions, and present or show issues, topics that require attention and re/action, or feedback, or comments. They are mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, members of religious group, students, professionals, regular or ordinary citizens with views and news to tell. Their age vary. They are either male or female. Likewise, they have followers/friends who, like them, come from all over the world. For others, they use pet names to hide their true identity, I guess.

It makes my day visiting and reading other blogs, on the internet. It continues to amaze me how powerful the cyber world is! OMG! I can't believe what and how much/many stuffs are out there---zillion of info, and photos, and music, and videos, as well, in addition to billions and billions of income-generating ads!

Rest assure, folks, I continue to surf/visit and read other blogs, and write mine, too, for as long as I'm able and that my laptop computer, courtesy of my nephew Tony in San Jose, CA, is functional. I thank him and my sister Betty and family, too, for their love and care, and generosity, too. And to all bloggers out there, thank you for posting and writing your blogs. Last, but not the least, I'm grateful to my family for their support and understanding, and love for me. What are you, guys, waiting for? Visit and read (and write your) blog/s, too. Can't wait to see and read them. Go on. Good luck, and have fun!-chris a. quilpa 21 Dec 2011

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