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Friday, October 25, 2013

On a Fantastic Friday Morning @Home

Good Friday, everybody!

Glad and thankful that I got something for myself when I went to NEX (Navy Exchange) Store last time. What was it, you ask? My blue NAVY coffee mug! Yes, I like it as much as I love today, this very moment that I'm enjoying my coffee on a bright, beautiful but cool (and a little chilly) Friday in Autumn, here in Hampton Roads and elsewhere.

As I try to enjoy life, on a daily basis, I do something---for as long as I'm able and comfortable---one that inspires me and makes me feel alive and still worthy---writing and photography. Honestly, as I start my blessed and beautiful day today, I just finished a cup of newly-brewed coffee with a piece of apple fritter that my wife Freny bought yesterday (when I sent her an errand, after arrival from school-work, to the nearest grocery store because I needed bread mix for my fish fillet that I cooked yesterday afternoon). My kitchen, as you see, is a place where my writing in the morning starts, and my backyard is where I get inspiration and feel blessed and well, especially when the sun is rising or when it's up there smiling at me as I conceive my thoughts for the sharing...

Well, here is the product of today's event in my life: the photos I'm embedding with this blog post of mine. Just a thought for you dear folks and friends, and those accidental reader/s of my blog: Do what makes you happy and comfortable, especially for retirees like me, who have "been there, done that." This also applies to all of you young folks out there who are trying to live/enjoy life while at the same time trying to realize or make your dreams come to fruition.

Btw, I don't claim to be an authority on anything but, if you believe that experience is the best teacher in life then, count me as one, with experience, of course. Humbly, I feel that I have or take responsibility of sharing with you what I know and what I think that's right and fair for the majority, if not all, of us. So, there you go, my dear folks and friends, take my simple piece of advice. Or not. You have the choice, don't you? I believe so. Anyway, this is all I can say/think at this time.

Thank you for keeping me company. And thank you for visiting my blog. I hope I have done something to lift up someone's spirit out there---to love life and love what you do for yourself and others. Have a wonderful time and weekend! May God bless US always!-chris a. quilpa, 10.25.2013

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