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Friday, November 23, 2012

It's Black Friday Today!

Good (Black) Friday, everyone! Smile and enjoy the day!

The above opening of my today's blog post is "what's on my mind" or my greetings that I posted on my Facebook page, timeline status, today, the day after Thanksgiving Day.

Black Friday, in the United States? What is it? What does that mean? To the "consumeristic" (shopping) and retail-business world in America, they know what Black Friday event is. The phenomenon is, thus, associated with spurring economy, and business industry in America, after Thanksgiving Day.

According to my well-accessed reference source Wikipedia, Black Friday is the "day after Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season." On this non-official/federal holiday, major retailers open their stores early, offering promotional sales, i.e., electronic products, gadgets, clothes, toys, to varied shoppers, thereby kicking off or ushering in the holiday shopping season. In short, it's the day of retailers, minor and major, and shoppers, old and new, longing for bargains and good deals. It's been said that this day is the busiest shopping day of the year in America. Really? Hmmm...

No, I don't think I will go to the malls or any retail stores today. I don't or didn't have that planned. I just wanna chill out, relax and enjoy the day, you know. (Besides, my lower back has been acting up, you know. But I'm doing okay, thank you, good God! This chronic lower back pain is minute compared to others out there. I pray for their speedy recovery, too.) BTW, as far as I know, my son Andrew left the house this morning to be with his friend/s shopping? I doubt if he had time for breakfast, though. Anyway, I say, good luck to him and the rest of shoppers out there today.

As I've been writing this post, I've been listening to a playlist of Church songs and hymns, videos on YouTube, and doing a little research on the singers/musicians and/or American liturgical composers like Michael Joncas, John Michael Talbot, David Haas, Dan Schutte, Michael Haugerty, etc. Now I came to know that there are liturgical composers who are not originally Catholics but their compositions have been adopted by Catholic Church in church worship/ Mass. So impressed I am about these musicians. Thank you , dear Lord, for these wonderful people of faith.

Well, I have to sign off now. Until next time around. Take care and have a blessed day, everyone! As always, I pray, "May God bless us all!"-chris a. quilpa, 23Nov2012

P.S. Before I publish this post, just to let you know that Andrew just arrived home with "good deal stuff" from a number of retail stores he and one of his friends Thomas have visited this morning. And he's mentioning some bucks he has saved from today's shopping spree? Well, good to know, huh?-caq

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