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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday's Wisdom

A wonderful Wednesday to all of us! Thanks to God that we're alive and well, as always!

This morning as I was using the restroom in our Master's bedroom, I prayed the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary (our Heavenly Mother and Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer) along with a video on YouTube. To recall, here are the Glorious Mysteries (to meditate and pray on Wednesdays and Sundays): 1. The Resurrection of JesusChrist, 2. The Ascension of Jesus in Heaven, 3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit among His Disciples, 4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, and 5. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth.  

For a different voice or view, I used a different video, from a different uploader, this time. The praying time was under 20 minutes, though. I don't know why but after praying along the rosary, and after using the restroom, I got curious of another video on YouTube (on the praying the rosary, Glorious Mysteries) that I found myself clicking on it. This time the uploader is FatherJeffrey. The praying time was longer, less than 30 minutes. And, I didn't notice myself but was praying along again this time. So, here's that video. (Disclaimer Note: I don't own the video. No copyright infringement intended. Thanks to YouTube and the uploader, FatherJeffrey.)

After praying along the rosary, I prepared myself for I have decided to go out, have breakfast or "brunch" at McDonald's. 

You know, dear folks and friends, I'm still trying to find/get that winning stamp/s of the restaurant's Monopoly Game which I'm sure your'e familiar with. And mind you, I've noted or listed down the stamps that I'm missing or needed in order for me to win one of the prizes they have. (Here are the stamps I needed to win: Tennesse Ave., Virginia Ave., Mediterranean Ave., Pennsylvania Ave., Vermont Ave., Ventnor Ave., Short Line, and Boardwalk.) Most of the time, from the wrappers of my egg-sausage McMuffin sandwiches I have had, I got lucky to have a free one quarter-pounder sandwich or one free medium-size fries. One time, I had a free McFlurry something for dessert and I did keep it for a while. Eventually, on one occasion, I did redeem my prize. Another time, I got this stamp that says I won a one-day Redbox DVD rental (which I haven't redeem, and now I don't know where I placed or kept that stamp already. I thought I kept it in my wallet but it wasn't there anymore.)

Here at McDonald's, I have just eaten (and enjoyed, not gobbled up!) on one of my two breakfast sandwiches, and have drunk or imbibed (?) 2/3 of my large-size 69 cents coffee with cream and sugar, prior to writing this blog post of mine. No, I didn't get any of the winning stamps, so far, today. That's okay.  

Now, recalling what I was thinking while in our restroom at home, a while ago, I have thought of writing or talking about praying (the rosary) in unusual places. At that time I was thinking of myself, praying (the rosary) almost daily in our restroom, while doing my daily routine in the morning or "eliminating my waste from my system." (Strange, but true! Yukky, huh?) I was also thinking or imagining others, folks of different careers or professions or vocations who may be praying in other unusual venues such as in a busy subway station, at work in the office, in the open while walking or jogging or bicycling or biking, or rowing or kayaking, in the fields while tilling the soil, harvesting, in the waters or lakes, or high seas fishing or cruising, in school while teaching or dealing with students with a disciplinary case, in the park, in the forest hunting or in a cave exploring, in a studio awaiting for a recording session to start, in a photo shoot, film location awaiting for the camera to roll while waiting for other (late) co-stars to show up, in a prison cell, in the air 20,000 miles above the earth en route to final destination or another stopover country, etc. Okay, simply put, the wisdom of my thinking is praying can occur everywhere else, wherever you may be. I understand now, as I continue to live (to try to live a life of Faith and to enjoy life), that there is no specific place or space to pray, to communicate our inner thoughts to our Creator, good and gracious God. The important thing is that we give thanks to God for our life, be it ordinary or simple or complex, with all the ups and downs and the uncertainties it brings us. As a sinner and/but believer, I try to find time to pray each day. I do hope and pray that you, my dear folks and friends, do the same, too. As far as I'm concerned it's better to have Faith than nothing (to believe) in life.Thank you. Thanks to God. And, thank you, Jesus.

I think, if my memory serves me right, I've mentioned in my older or previous blog posts that I tend to be apolitical. But last night, I watched the 2nd presidential debate (town hall meeting style) between incumbent President Barack Obama and former Governor (of Massachusetts) Mitt Romney, via the national public television station PBS. The venue was at Hofstra University in New York. The event's moderator was CNN's Cindy Crowley. As an undecided voter, up to this moment in time, I came to realize that both candidates of the Democratic Party and the GOP's Republican Party, respectively, have different views and approaches on to how to lead the country, how to turn around or stimulate the economy, to create jobs, to help or strengthen the middle class, to solve our energy problems (and less dependent on foreign oil), to address foreign policies, etc. It's always predictable that after the debate, there's the analysis of the network's political analysts and commentators, or pundits, personal reactions or feedback to the democratic forum.

Anyway, I have to sign off now. (I still have to go to the post office to drop off my mail, one of my car bills, you know. And to prepare or cook something for dinner. I did thaw a pack or packet of beef stew prior to leaving the house this morning. I may cook beef "adobo." How's that?) Until next time around, my dear folks and friends. Thank you for sharing me your time (by) reading this blog post of mine. Take care and Have a wonderful day, everyone! May God bless us all. Always...chris a. quilpa, 17October2012

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