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Friday, October 12, 2012

What a Lovely Fall Day; TGIF!

Good Friday, everyone! TGIF (Thanks to God, It's Friday)! Yes, I'm looking forward to a wonderful weekend. I do hope you guys are, too.

As you may have known me, prayer is or has been an integral part of my life. I have a need to pray, to thank God for my life and for my family, folks, and friends all over. I believe in prayer. I do hope you do, too. In this connection, I did pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, while still in bed this morning, and while the sunlight has brightened our bedroom. Afterwards, I had the urge to use our restroom. Then, I decided to go out and take a walk because it's so inviting to be out there under the early morning sun.

Man, it's chilly outside! But it's so clear and bright! Ah, Fall weather is truly here! I love it, the coolness of the environment, the crisp, mild breeze that tingled your skin. It's a beautiful feeling! Much more so when, along the way, I met my friends Gladys and Josefa who were coming back from their stroll. We had a brief chitchat on the pedestrian lane. We're so glad and thankful to see each other again. Then, I said, "see you, later, ladies" as I continued my pace, while enjoying music from my MP3 player. I met some joggers and walkers, too. There's this woman with a stroller that she was pushing. In the stroller were two small children. There's also a woman jogger with earphones. I recognized one walker with two small dogs. I just said Hi to him as I continued my brisk walking. At that time, I was becoming uncomfortable with my left hip and lower back. But I kept on going til I reached home.

I did a little walk in our deck, to get some more sunlight. Then, I went up to our room, prepared myself. Yes, I've thought of having breakfast or "brunch" at McRestaurant. I know I still have 30 minutes before eleven (that's the time they change menu, from breakfast to lunch. I wanted that egg-sausage Mcmuffin sandwiches, for 2 for $3.)

At McDonald's, now I've revealed to you my McRestaurant, I'm writing this blog post, while enjoying James Blunt's music (from my laptop) and my McSandwich and a cup of coffee, with sugar and cream, of course.
Beautiful day, indeed, today, Friday, over Hampton Roads and neighboring cities and counties! Thank you, Lord! I noticed how clear, bright blue the skies are while I was walking and passing by an elementary school playground. I didn't see any cloud at all! So clear blue above me with only the golden ball of light shining! Ah, what a beautiful, wonderful feeling to be outside, while the rest of the world are busy, doing their thing.
I'm thankful, God, for your creation! There's that kinda liberating feeling! Thank you, Jesus!

Before signing off, I'd like to say I don't own the video/s I embedded here in my blog post. No copyright infringement intended. I'd like to thank YouTube and the uploader/s of the video/s. Thank you also to Google and Blogger, and, of course, to Facebook.

Well, my dear folks and friends, this is all for now. Until next time around. Take care and have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Don't work too hard. Enjoy the outdoor weather, and have fun, too! As always, I pray, "May God bless us all!"-chris a. quilpa, 12October2012  

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