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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Visiting Former Work and Buddies

Hello, everyone! Good Tuesday to all of us!

Today, my wife Freny and I visited the medical center where I used to work, then retired. The last time we've been there was almost six months ago when I had a follow up appointment with my rheumatologist. This time, we went there to make an appointment to the department or our primary care provider where we're usually seen for follow up or any non-emergency medical problems. Other than the once mentioned reason/s, I refrain from going to the hospital.

Luckily and thankfully, Freny and I got the same day appointment in the morning, same doctor, but different time slot.

As usual, we dropped or stopped by at the department where I spent over a decade working in various capacities. There, I had an opportunity to rub elbows with my former co-worker/buddies who have also retired from the military/naval service but got employment there as civilian employees. As always, we had a wonderful time seeing one another. So glad and grateful I am, specially, for having interacted with them again today. They, too, were happy to see me and Freny, I could tell. Gerry, Clarence, Nestor, and Millie, and Mr. T, and Crystal, and Yolanda, I thank you guys for having known and worked with you through the years...I pray that you guys will continue to always have the enthusiasm, energy, strength and good health to help our patients the medical care and service they deserve. Keep up the great work, guys! Extend or give our students (and new staff-personnel) all the help they need so they will also have a  wonderful learning experience when they leave and get to their new assignment or duty station. Just always bear in mind TEAMWORK and remember that sharing is caring. Let's share whatever education, knowledge, skills, and experiences to all who are entrusted to us. And make our department shipshape always!

At 11:30 a.m., Freny and I attended daily Mass in the hospital's chapel. There were about ten of us who celebrated Mass with Rev. Fr. Ven, the hospital's chaplain.

After Mass, we went downstairs to the first floor  and had Navy lunch at the hospital's galley. We had beef stew with noodles, boiled carrots and cabbage, and sweet potatoes, and a slice of cake, a piece of apple, and a glass of water. Lunch per person was $4.60. Price is reasonable, indeed! That's Navy chow! Yum...yummy! We had left-over food for dinner when we left the hospital. (I don't know why but, since I retired eight years ago, I love dining out there each time I visit the hospital. Before, when I was still active duty, I didn't frequent eating out there in the "chow hall.")

Well, my dear folks and friends, this is all for now. But, wait, I have something to tell you: I took some photos of our hospital visit, and I'm happy to share them with you. So, without delay, here they are...Enjoy!

Photos (c) 2013 by Chris A. Quilpa

This is all for now. Thanks, everyone, for visiting my blog. Until next time around. Take care and have a nice day, everyone! As always, I pray, "May God bless US and keep US safe from harm always!"-chris a. quilpa, 30 July 2013

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